VasoCARE’s mission is to provide hospitals …
- With an ultra-portable DVT device that promotes ambulation and reduces HA-DVT, pneumonia, and tissue pressure injuries.
- With transformational technology that improves patient compliance 85% and reduces DVT 70%.
- With a device that eliminates removing and reapplying SCD sleeves with bed transfers along with improving nurse productivity.
- With a device that supports an At-Home DVT Prevention Program, improves the rate for early discharges, and reduces readmissions due to DVT.
- With the Legacy® IPC System that saves hospitals $136,426.00 with every 1,000 patients.
It’s about generating positive outcomes!
We respect the rights of our patients and provide responsive, timely customer service. We ensure that members of our team receive ongoing continuing education, so they are knowledgeable about the latest medical device technology and can serve our patients effectively.
VasoCARE works directly with physicians, hospitals, and insurance companies to make the process of getting equipment as quick as possible. VasoCARE has marketing representatives covering the USA.
VasoCARE is accredited by Healthcare Quality Association on Accreditation (HQAA) and operates within the policies and procedures set forth by HQAA.